The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be offered on the first full weekend of each month. This special sacrament will occur on Friday, October 4, following the 9:00 AM Mass at Assumption and St. Bridget's. Then, on October 5 at the 5:00 PM Mass at Our Lady of the Lake and St. Catherine's. It will also be offered after all four October 6, Sunday Masses: 9:00 AM at Assumption and St. Bridget's and 10:30 AM at Our Lady of the Lake and St. Catherine's.
Please note that the Confirmation previously scheduled for December 5, 2024, has been moved to the spring. The exact date will be announced soon. Classes will begin on October 13 at St. Bridget’s at 6:30 PM. Continue reading...
Hello everyone,
As we transition out of summer, I want to thank our departing parish council members, Erin Bartram, Ade Seilie, and Rob Wilson, for their dedicated service. Our current council, including Katie Fleming, Kristin Litke, Loida Olivas, Francine Shammami, Joy Barker, Chad Bitzer, and myself, will focus on supporting the Partners in the Gospel—Welcoming Phase and re-establishing key ministries. We encourage your continued participation and welcome any questions or feedback at [email protected]. Please take a moment to read the attached document.
Jim Hochstein
St. Catherine Parish Council
November 23rd and 24th
An annual tradition at the bazaar is Trinkets and Treasures. Start collecting your small trinkets and treasures to donate for resale. They can be new or used items that would make good gifts. Items that sell well are jewelry, scarves, books, small decorative items, and Christmas decor. All proceeds go to the St C Chapter of SVDP. We will start receiving donated items in early November. For any bazaar-related questions, please contact Katie Fleming at [email protected] or 206-354-5161
In honor of St. Phoebe's Feast Day on September 3rd, we will feature female reflectionists at all six Masses in our parish family on the weekend of October 5th and 6th. We extend our gratitude to the members of our Phoebe Circle, who are planning and organizing this event. The Phoebe Circle meets monthly to harness the inspiration sparked by St. Phoebe and to continue uplifting female voices in our community. If you have any questions or are interested in joining, please contact Liz Jackman via email.
The four NE Seattle Catholic churches in our parish family have committed to providing dinner to 60 homeless adults and children at Tent City 4 in Lake City on the first Sunday of each month in 2024. The first date is Sun., Oct. 6. Sign up to bring part of a meal on the Meals Signup Genius HERE.
Simply deliver a disposable container of meat, side dish, salad, or dessert to Tent City near the Seattle Mennonite Church at 6 PM. To donate cash or other needed supplies, go to the Tent City 4 website HERE.
Let’s be super generous and fill up all the slots quickly!
If you are grieving over the death of a loved one, you are not alone. Your grief may have taken away your sense of self through anger and depression, but there is hope and help for you. Father Bob Camuso is starting a grief support group for our four-parish family that will be a safe space to talk about loss and listen to others who are having the same experience as you. The first meeting will be held at 7 pm on October 2nd in the basement of Our Lady of the Lake. Join us and discover how life may not be the same but that it can continue in a new, hopeful way with God’s help and the support of this group.
To celebrate St. Phoebe, we will have female reflectionists at all 6 Masses on the weekend of October 5 and 6. Thank you to the members of our Phoebe Circle who are helping plan and execute this event. We will have members of our group available for questions after all Masses. Please click to learn more.
Bible Study will resume on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, from 9:30-11:00 am at Our Lady of the Lake Church Jubilee Hall. Come join us for an informal study of Bible videos, discussion, and fellowship. All are welcome. Questions - contact Terri Smith at 206-234-8011.
New parish family office hours begin on Monday, September 9
Assumption and St. Catherine
Monday - Friday - 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
OLL and St. Bridget
Sunday - Thursday - 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Parish offices will be closed from 12:00 - 1:00 pm for lunch.
We welcome Debra Ricard as the Director of Pastoral Ministries for our NE Seattle Catholic Family. Debra and her husband, Fernand, have been parishioners at St. Luke for twenty-plus years raising their three, twenty-plus-year-old children in Shoreline, one of which is under the guidance of Father Bill’s youngest brother, Father Paul at WSU.
Debra has worked in parish life for over twelve years with a diverse and varied range of ministerial experience. She has completed several degrees with her most recent a master’s in theology with a concentration in Marriage and Family life in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Seattle’s Christifideles program.
She is excited about her role in directing and collaborating on ministerial programs for liturgy, faith formation, OCIA, outreach, social justice, and evangelization. Debra encourages us to work together and to graciously share our generous, God-given talents. Through this approach, we can accomplish so much more together. Please introduce yourself and share something about your favorite ministry.
Debra can be reached [email protected] or at her office at 206-524-8800.
Join us on September 14 and 15 following mass for a special welcome event and ministry fair! Saturday, September 14th
After 5:00 PM Mass: Welcome Event & Ministry Fair
Join us in Victoria Hall for beverages, light fare, and a chance to meet Fr. Bill and Fr. Duc. Reconnect as a community and explore opportunities to get involved in parish ministries.
Sunday, September 15th
After 10:30 AM Mass: Coffee Hour & Ministry Fair
Enjoy coffee and donuts while learning about parish ministries. It’s time to get our campus buzzing again and bring our ministries back into full swing!