The Parish Pastoral Council serves as a consultative body to the pastor. Its purpose is to serve the community by providing recommendations for parish priorities, directions, and policies through pastoral planning. Members meet monthly and serve as liaisons to other parish organizations. Contact the council at [email protected].
Current Members
Jim Hochstein Jr. (President)
Joy Barker
Chad Bitzer
Katie Fleming
Kristin Litke
Loida Olivas
Francine Shammami
The Finance Council consists of 5-7 members who meet monthly to assist the Pastor in the stewardship of parish financial resources by developing parish and school budgets, creating financial policies, and conducting long-range financial planning. According to the Archdioceses Policies for Pastoral Ministry: Many Gifts: “….it is important that the finance council membership should be as balanced as possible (e.g., by gender, age, race, and ethnicity) and composed of people who have had experience in the areas of business, finance, administration and accounting.”
Current Members
Dave Mayer (President)
The School Commission is a consultative group that advises and supports the Pastor and the Principal in developing a strategic plan for the parish school. The School Commission has responsibility in the following areas: long and short term goals, policy development, financial stability, public relations, and evaluation.
The Facilities Committee assists the Pastor in oversight of the facilities and grounds and in planning for long-range needs. Recently the most prominent function of the facilities committee has been in assisting in the design and construction of Victoria Hall, the new parish hall and gym facility that will serve the community needs of the parish for the next decades. The mission of the facilities committee also includes assisting the Pastoral Coordinator and others in the community with the maintenance and repair of the existing facilities, including technical recommendations and assisting with repairs and maintenance.
Contact: Mike Litke, [email protected]
Members: Mike Litke, Greg Schell, Joe Binder, Nathan Galer, Carolyn Foster
Yard Work