If you or someone you know is shut in or needs Eucharist there are people who will bring Holy Communion and pray with them; please call the Parish Office to let us know and we will arrange for one of our ministers to visit. This can be a limited or long term arrangement.
BAPTISMS are scheduled outside of Sunday Masses. If you are interested in scheduling a time to have your child baptized, please contact Marti Lundberg at the parish office. Email: [email protected] or call 206-524-8800 extension 101. Baptism Preparation Classes for parents and godparents are currently via Zoom. The next classes are scheduled for Sunday, April 11th at 3pm or Wednesday, May 25th at 7pm.
MATRIMONY - If you are planning to be married, contact the parish office six months in advance of the desired date to begin the process. A Marriage Preparation Retreat is scheduled for Sunday, May 23rd. For more information, contact Marti Lundberg. [email protected]
ANOINTING OF THE SICK is scheduled as needed following weekday or Sunday Masses. If you or someone you know desires this Sacrament of Healing, contact the parish office.